"Marriott’s growth in Central Eastern Europe is very robust, so this is a great platform for us to continue to talk about our company as a brand and what we have to offer because there is a lot of prosperity in this part of the world that we can exploit. The future is bright, and I feel very optimistic about this region."
David Jenkins
"We’ve been here before, it's probably our 5th year and we are always happy to support HOTCO. It's great to be back and see a lot of familiar and new faces. For me, it's very important to be here and I guess it's the same for everyone else. It’s been a very busy conference month, but HOTCO is still very well attained and I think it speaks testament for the organisation and the quality of the event."
James Chappell
CEE has an incredible history, which makes it a complex region culturally and from a business logics points of view. Such diversity poses challenges, hence equally tremendous opportunities for the hotel industry.